for Rotorcraft
The most advanced technology for health and usage monitoring. It meets the need for a solution enabling both comprehensive rotorcraft health management and flight
data monitoring for all aircraft
The most advanced health and usage monitoring system available. It provides a solution that enables comprehensive health management and flight data monitoring:

fully integrated



without requiring an internet connection
Embedded functionality includes Attitude Heading Reference System (AHRS), multiple communication interfaces, compatibility with a wide range of sensors for enhanced diagnostics and powerful real-time processing. All of the acquired data is easily accessible thanks to RMCI’s automatic data downloads.
Vibraton Health Monitoring (VHM)
Usage Monitoring and Structural Health Monitoring
Flight Data Monitoring (FDM)
Advanced Rotor Track and Balance (RTB)
Supports Flight Operations Quality Assurance (FOQA)
Supports Safety Management Systems (SMS)
RMCI’s Groundstation Software delivers powerful tools for vibration health monitoring, flight data monitoring, and rotor track and balance. The Groundstation Software supports fleet management decisions, simplifies mission planning, and streamlines maintenance activities.
The Groundstation Software is a comprehensive solution for test flight engineers, flight line mechanics, and fleet managers, delivering actionable information. The Groundstation Software is fully functional with or without an internet connection.
Industry leading analysis capabilities
Condition and health indicator plots
Spectrum and synchronous average plots
Status reporting and notifications
Automatic backups to secure data warehouse
Introducing XRDS™ AIR, RMCI’s in-flight data viewer, providing real time data monitoring in the palm of your hand. This new tool displays current drivetrain Health, Rotor Track and Balance, and XRDS System Health data throughout your flight.
Our ground station provides the power you need for all your maintenance decisions, while XRDS Air delivers the information you need when it matters most.

Rotor track and balance
Configurable balance solutions
Learning algorithm from previous adjustments
Independent Attitude Heading Reference System
Provides FDM and full HUMS for legacy analog aircraft
Automatic regime recognition and acquisition
Real-time data processing
Fleet comparison software
Advanced statistics
Over 500 flight hours of recorded data
High fidelity, high frequency sensors
Direct mount sensors (no bolt required)
Wireless download
Flight playback at the flight line
Data access by crew in flight
Access to data and maintenance actions at the aircraft (without internet)
Superior Fleet management and advanced fleet analysis capability
Maintenance actions recording
Reduced maintenance test flights
Cockpit Voice and Data Recorder (ED112a) compatible
Expandable for in-line fluid debris monitoring, load cell integration, HD cockpit video, et. al.
Power over USB (no aircraft power needed for downloads/uploads)
Rotor track and balance

Configurable balance solutions

Learning algorithm from previous adjustments

Light weight < 5kg.

Independent Attitude Heading Reference System

Provides FDM and full HUMS for legacy analog aircraft

Automatic regime recognition and acquisition

Real-time data processing

Fleet comparison software

Advanced statistics

Over 500 flight hours of recorded data

High fidelity, high frequency sensors

Direct mount sensors (no bolt required)

Wireless download

Flight playback at the flight line

Data access by crew in flight

Access to data and maintenance actions at the aircraft (without internet)

Superior Fleet management and advanced
fleet analysis capability

Maintenance actions recording

Reduced maintenance test flights

Cockpit Voice and Data Recorder (ED112a) compatible

Expandable for in-line fluid debris monitoring, load cell integration, HD cockpit video, et. al.

Power over USB (no aircraft power needed for downloads/uploads)