“As much as one quarter of helicopter accidents are attributable to some level of parts or systems failures, but there are many studies that suggest nearly half of those accidents could have been mitigated by the use of HUMS.”
~ Michael Hangge, Rotor & Wing, September 2014.
“Airborne law enforcement activities lead to greater wear and tear on aircraft than other helicopter operations because of the nature of the work environment and flight profiles. HUMS fully monitors the critical aircraft components that can wear out quickly. The XRDS system is absolutely incredible. It’s saving us time and money, all the way around.”
~ Lt. Don Standridge, Chief Pilot, Marion County (NC) Sheriff’s Department
“I’m pleased to have this advanced technology from RMCI on my aircraft. It adds a margin of safety, reduces maintenance costs, and allows for recording/monitoring.
The most amazing aspect is that it provides comprehensive mechanical diagnostics of the entire drive train, and all of this at a total installed weight of 3 lbs! Having the XRDS on my aircraft is particularly beneficial for Operation Flying Heroes, and could benefit all soldiers, aviators, passengers and crew.
This technology and the guys who can make it work are rare. The RMCI team has made it their priority to improve aviation safety, and they have achieved tremendous success.”